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Submit new dictionaries?

Started by n3wb13, 26. January 2010, 17:43:52

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I did a setup on new dictionaries and I'd like to submit them to the site. :) So how can I do this? And I also have another question : I don't want to put my real name in the download page so may I just put my internet name? Thanks so much.


Great to have new dictionaries :) What are these ?

Before publishing your dictionaries, please do a thorough testing of your dictionaries, in order to be sure that the dictionaries are set up correctly. Please also read the copyright considerations: http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=8.0.

Once you are done, please do contact Peter Kmet for publishing your dictionary on the download page.

When your dictionary is completely stable (and you do not expect to update your inputdictionaryfile for a long time), then you may want contact Jeff Krengel for inclusion in the dictionary archive.

For me personally it is ok if you put your 'internet name' (you should check with Peter Kmet also). However you should provide a reliable way to contact you, so that people can get into contact with you.



Thank you very much for your answer ;D I will submit the dictionaries tomorrow after doing some test with them.

BTW, the application icon "DictionaryForMIDs.png" doesn't have transparency so if you can add this to the image, then it will look nicer on mobile phone which has dark theme.


QuoteBTW, the application icon "DictionaryForMIDs.png" doesn't have transparency so if you can add this to the image, then it will look nicer on mobile phone which has dark theme.

Thanks for that hint ... could you create the updated pngs with transparency for the images ... ?

For those here too:
(the png-files in the subdirectories there)

Would be great if you could do that  8)



Here are the images. The "icons.zip" is made from the original image and the "icons_.zip" is the another one which was altered a bit.
And you may also want to see how it looks.

I have sent an email to Peter and am waiting for his reply.


Wow that was a fast update !!

I will put your updated icons in the DfM subversion repository ... but which ones are better ? Say what exactly were your modifications to the 'icons_' ?



The "icons_" just has different color to the "icons" and was added the gloss effect. They are the same in quality and the choice depends on your taste 8)



Hmmm, anyone else who has an opinion here: "Icons" or "Icons_" ?

The "Icons_" effect looks nice; but I guess that I right now tend to prefer the colour of the old "Icons" style; well probably cause I am used to the old style; maybe tomorrow I change my mind and I will prefer the "Icons_" ;)

Anyone out there who has a preference ?



Also, I have some new dictionaries. For now they are posted at http://java-ap.wz.cz/index.php?str=mydfm. Now I have to validate if all of them are from really open-source sources and to wait at almost one half when will be added new version of DfM with new Normation classes written by me. They are need 'cause application cannnot find without them correct word in those languages that their character set is not fully supported now.

//I hope it is written understandable enough because I don't have excellent English.


Thanks for your posting - yes it is understandable ! :)   Well, except for the "wait at almost one half" ...  :-\

I currently do not plan to release version 3.5 before those problems with StringColourItem are solved (if you are interested: there are other postings on that StringColourItem problems in this forum).

For your Normation classes, I'd recommend the following: just take the Normationxxx.class files and put them in the empty version of the 3.4 Jar file (the file DictionaryForMIDs.jar that is contained in DictionaryForMIDs_3.4.0_empty.zip). You need to put the 3 class files in the subdirectory de\kugihan\dictionaryformids\translation\normation of DictionaryForMIDs.jar. Do you know how to do this ? If not, then I could do this for you occasionally.

Best regards,

P.S.: great that you already have your dictionaries on the web, declared as 'beta-versions'.

P.P.S.: even if there is a dictionary that is not open source, then you still can use DictionaryForMIDs with that non-open source dictionary; but we can only put open source dictionaries for download on sourceforge.


Well, my fault. However, it is very simple:

I sent you classes NormationLat v1.0, NormationRus2 v1.0 and NormationUkr v1.0. These I have compiled from you.

I tested them on real dictionaries by way you have described and I detected that they worked but with some objections. So I had to make edited version v2.0.

There is the problem. Now I have again only the *.JAVA files and I am not able compile the project, althought I can edit existed Normation or make new one. This is not difficult, this only logic. But I am not java programmer and I tried many ways how to compile the project in Netbeans and cmd.exe and every time it fails because some type of error. These programms are not intuitive enough for me, I think.
--> So if only you (or anyone else) were so kind and once more you recompiled the project. When I have these three *.CLASS files, I can finish it.
Link for files: http://java-ap.wz.cz/NormationV2.zip

One half of dictionaries declared as BETA are waiting for new Normation classes, because its contained languages have not fully suported alphabet. For example when I was testing submited classes with CzechTurkish dictionary I found out that in Turkish alphabet i without dot undet it is missing even in my edited NormationLat.

I know that it is possible to use DfM with non-open source dictionaries. But I have to think about used sources and read carefully licences to define which dictionaries were made from fully open sources and can be added here.


Ok !

Good that you check the dictionary's licenses, so we will not have any hassle afterwards.

I can compile your Normation classes for you when I sit in front of my development environment the next time. Or, maybe someone else is able to do this before me ! :)

Setting up a development environment for DictionaryForMIDs is rather straightforward, however some experience with Java development tools is certainly useful. At http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/development.html section "At Building the tools and applications" there is description. But no problem, there is no need that you spend your time to set up the development environment. Either me or someone else can do the compilation for you.



@kopeky: I added your Normationxxx.java files to the DfM SVN repository.

The compiled .class files are here: http://www.kugihan.de/dict/download/special_versions/DictionaryForMIDs_for_kopecky.zip

In that zip file you also find an updated jar file of the 3.4.0 empty version of DfM where I added the class files. That version should be suitable for your dictionaries.

Let me know if that version works for you.

n3wb13: Already any response from Peter ?



I'm sorry. Althought past release of my classes worked, this release doesn't work because of that:

- error in NormationLat: founded, corrected (non-updated name of newly added string function)
- errors in NormationRus2 & NormationUkr: removed controversial (error occuring) parts

I hope now it will be working.

Link: http://java-ap.wz.cz/NormationV3.zip

//In NormationRus2 & NormationUkr there were error somewhere in this part of script:

else if (defaultNormatedWord.charAt(charPos) == 'й') {
else if (defaultNormatedWord.charAt(charPos) == 'ъ') {
else if (defaultNormatedWord.charAt(charPos) == 'ы') {
else if (defaultNormatedWord.charAt(charPos) == 'ь') {
normatedWord.append("."); //maybe needed backslash?

Now, there are not the same strings and no interpunction.


The corresponding class files are attached to this posting. Can you update the jar-file yourself ?
