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Compilation problems in trunk

Started by heikok, 12. July 2009, 23:45:38

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while adding a norwegian-german dictionary, I just tried to play a bit around with the Dictionary4Mid sources. I've been using trunk from svn and ran into some problems:

  • DictionaryGeneration.java uses a no longer existing interface in the ContentParser:
    contentParserObj.determineItemsFromContent(contentString, indexLanguage, false) should be
    contentParserObj.determineItemsFromContent(new TextOfLanguage(contentString, indexLanguage), false, true)

  • de/kugihan/dictionaryformids/hmi_java_me/SettingsStore.java has package general (and several other files look for it there)

  • I added a norwegian normation, please find it attached

  • The current trunk version has problems displaying coloured fonts on the Nokia N79. I only get empty white boxes (one per translation) and DictionaryForMid crashes. After a restart and then switching off colours, the program is running nicely. For my current version, I disabled all FormItems except MainFormItemsSimple.java and it seems to be stable.

Best wishes,




Quote from: heikok on 12. July 2009, 23:45:38
  • DictionaryGeneration.java uses a no longer existing interface in the ContentParser:
    contentParserObj.determineItemsFromContent(contentString, indexLanguage, false) should be
    contentParserObj.determineItemsFromContent(new TextOfLanguage(contentString, indexLanguage), false, true)
Oopps ... seems I forgot to update DictionaryGeneration !?! Thank you for your correction - I will update this (probably next weekend).


  • de/kugihan/dictionaryformids/hmi_java_me/SettingsStore.java has package general (and several other files look for it there)
Hmmm, yes I recently moved it to hmi_java_me; need to check this too.


  • I added a norwegian normation, please find it attached
Will add this. Or, if you like to continue doing some improvements, are you interested to get write access to our SVN repository ?


  • The current trunk version has problems displaying coloured fonts on the Nokia N79. I only get empty white boxes (one per translation) and DictionaryForMid crashes. After a restart and then switching off colours, the program is running nicely. For my current version, I disabled all FormItems except MainFormItemsSimple.java and it seems to be stable.
Never heard about this problem before ! You are not using BitmapFonts, right ?
The problem only occurs with coloured fonts, it disappears when you switch off coloured fonts, did I get this well ?

Hey, you are really a great support !!!


P.S.: DictionaryForMIDs (not DictionaryForMid)



I think the NormationNor file is finished, so you can add it, but nonetheless svn-write support might be nice. I plan to add a norwegian translation. My sourceforge-id is heikok.

I am not using any Bitmap-fonts, and when I use the jar from 3_3_0_empty, the colour-fonts work well. It is just my built from trunk which generates such problems. I found a change in the background-box drawing code from March 2009, but I'm not sure if 3_3_0_empty was build before or after that - svn isn't very helpful currently since it was recently moved from cvs?

Best regards,




puh, let me try to keep up with your pace ...

DictionaryGeneration compile error: ok, I just fixed that; an old source version was there in SVN before.

SettingsStore.java in package general: ok, I just fixed that too.

Write access to the SVN repository: I granted write access to your account; please, before doing any modifications (other than your Norwegian Normation class), do co-ordinate with me via this forum.

Boxes on your mobile: yes, the SVN repository was just recently converted from CVS; but all the CVS history should be correctly available in SVN. So, 3.3.0 did not yet contain the change on the background box (thank you for pointing me at that change - I made this change myself but I already forgot about this ...). Ok I will look at that change.
Besides, when you release a dictionary on DfM, in general please use the last stable release (now 3.3.0), not the latest development version, unless there is a feature that you really need.

QuoteI plan to add a norwegian translation.
You mean the NormationNor-file ?

Thanks !!!


Concerning 4.) I just made a quick test with the current version of the source code: colours look fine on the emulator, see attachment.

Guess we need to look more on this problem.


P.S.: Besides, I made a minor change on settings for background colours (moved from DictionarySettings to DictionaryDataFile) some weeks ago (however from March 2009 I did not find an update).



I just made my first svn commit: NormationNor.java and build.xml (no obfuscation for NormationNor)
in addition I fixed the SettingsStore package in JavaME/src/de/kugihan/dictionaryformids/hmi_java_me/mainform/WordHistory.java and JavaME/src/de/kugihan/dictionaryformids/hmi_java_me/mainform/MainForm.java

I still had one problem under build:
JavaME/files_for_packaging/executeable_distribution/README is requested, but doesn't exist here. I added a link from from DictionaryForMids and it finally worked, but I'm not sure if that are the correct files?

Best wishes,



Thanks for fixing those SettingsStore-imports that escaped my update  :)

However I am surprised to detect that WordHistory has a reference to SettingsStore  :o  well, I should check that later some time.

Oh, about the files_for_packaging, I forgot to move those - I moved them to JavaME in SVN now.

Great that you are detecting all those problems with compiling and building ... and that you are even correcting these problems  :)  :)



Besides, how about topic 4) above (displaying coloured fonts on the Nokia N79) ?

Is this problem solved ?



Concerning the problem of the colored items on a N79.

I installed now the the empty-package of 3.3.0 with my dictionary. With just one color per line, I haven't seen any problem. When I have 3 colors (with language1NumberOfContentDeclarations=2 and language1Content01FontColour: 128,0,0
language1Content02FontColour: 128,128,0)
, this works as long as I only have one translation line. Starting with two lines, I only see white boxes and the application crashes. I tried to switch on logging, but besides the lines 'Log initialized' nothing is written when the app. crashes.

Since it is a real crash (menu buttons no longer working, program switching to the dictionary no longer working), I believe something is wrong with the j2me implementation on the device. The WTK2.5.2 works without problems. Since On Device Debugging is quite hard, I leave it currently as it is.

As long as I run it without colors, everything runs fine.

Best regards,




thank you for your elaboration.

Well, here is the biggest challenge for DictionaryForMIDs: to run nicely even on all those buggy devices !

There are so many bugs in most Java ME / MIDP-devices that it is worrying. The worst about all: many manufactures seem not to make a good effort to get those bugs fixed.

And still, DfM should try to run with all features even though there are so many bugs in the Java ME implementations of the devices.

Actually, the biggest part of the development effort for the Java ME version was made to make DfM run on all those buggy devices ! Not exaggerating, this is where most of the time was spent during the development !

However one point that I need to point out: while most of the problems with DfM on a device come from bugs in the device, in the past there were admittedly also a few problems that came from incorrect implementations within DfM.

So in any case I would like to try to track down the problem that you describe. Nokia has a fairly good S60 emulator and additionally they offer a sort of 'remote testing of real devices'-service.

Could you send me the dictionary where you can reproduce the error, and a short description of how to reproduce the error (e.g. word to translate), then I will make an effort to try find more about the problem. As soon as I find time to do so ... ;)

Thank you !



I deactivated the method sizeChanged in StringColourItem - this caused an exception to be thrown on Nokia S60 (I tested this with the Nokia RDS service; unfortunately the Nokia S60 SDK does not run on my PC).

Could you please occasionally test if this solved the "coloured display problem" on your Nokia N79 ?

Thanks in advance !



I just recompiled the latest svn trunk from dfm and installed it on my mobile. I tried a few words with color switched on - no problems found. Seems like the color-problem is solved for the N79.




Thanks for testing !!

Seems this was a major bug - I assume that also devices other than the Nokia N79 were affected.

I will make a available a 3.4.0 test version which people can test. Hope this time people will test more than with 3.3.0  >:(

Ok, thanks again :)