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Is it possible to decrease the dictionary size?

Started by arsen_a, 29. July 2007, 10:32:31

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Hi Gert,

Sorry for my delayed reply but I have some good news for you. Today I managed to install the dictionary with size of 346kb and it ran normally but I have deleted 3 index files from the output directory so it is not the right solution. I also checked to install a file with size of 356kb and it didn't run. I suppose the limit of file size for my Nokia is 350kb. Now, the question is, can we make the dictionary smaller by 10kb?
I had a look into dictionary functions and found some "unnecessary" things, for example if I set to on: Use bitmap fonts, then russian words become unreadable :( Can't we cut this section from the empty dictionary file? Also there are some "unnecessary" languages, for example Vietnamese and Japanese, I think I don't need them.
The next important thing- As I can understand, in the settings field, when we choose the language for the program interface, Russian is not completed yet! You know, Gert I can update that section, I speak russian very well for already 25 years! :) Please just tell me in which format (I guess in Unicode) you would like to have that missing and incorrect words? Seems that's all, thank you very much for your help, I will wait for your answer!


Yes, remove the normation files for the languages that you do not need, this may give you the 10 kB.

Your problem with the bitmap fonts only exists in the development version that you are using. The released version does not allow to select bitmap fonts unless these fonts are actually configured for the dictionary.

If you could provide us with an update for the Russian user interface, that would be great ! Just read "We need your support / Translations for DictionaryForMIDs user interface". I directly attached the languages files, we need to have this file updated. Besides, Spanish needs an update also, can you help there, too ?



Dear Gert, I am on my way of updating Russian section of Translations for DictionaryForMIDs and have several questions to you. Could you please explain the meaning of some words in this program? For example: back word, forward word, do  they mean one word back and one word forward?! I also experienced problems with word 'hits' , does it mean the number of coinciding during the search?
In the end of the translation, in Free Memory section I couldn't find the separation between words, for example:  character\n\nTo control .
Regarding to the Spanish translation, as I said, I just started to learn Spanish :) but I will ask my teacher maybe she can help us in this case?!


"Back word" means that you want to go back to the word that you translated previously. And the other way round for "forward word".

"Hits" means the number of translations that were found.

\n is the newline character, means that the following words will appear on a new line.

Besides, I believe the list of entries on the DfM web page is not complete any more (maybe you could send an email to Quynh ?), if you look at the "#UIDisplayTextItems" section, then you see all the required entries.

Hey, maybe your Spanish teacher will like to use DfM also :)



 Hi Gert, thanks for the explanation but one thing is unclear "character\n\nTo control" or "character  \n\n  To control" where is the separator? 
  Regarding to the email to Quynh, I will write it tomorrow, I already found the list of the words that need to be translated ;)
Regarding to my Spanish teacher, what do you think, why I am torturing myself for this Spanish-Russian dictionary if I can use Spanish-English dictionary? All is for her :) I think she will be glad to translate that words but I think she is not so good in Spanish computer terms.
I forget to ask you one important thing, how can I remove from the empty dictionary "unwanted" files? Is it possible to use JarCreator.jar for decompressing/compressing  .jar files? Because I used WinAce for changing files inside the jar archive, the program saved normally the file but when I tried to run it on the phone I got the error message "Unable to start", PC emulator also can not run it, it closes immediately :( As I can guess, if I remove some files from the archive I have to make changes in the class files. Am I right or not?
Thanks for everything ;)


Not sure whether I get your question on the separator. "character\n\nTo control" is the better version, because in "character  \n\n  To control" you have disturbing blanks.

Oh, so your teacher ows you something ;)

Removing files: you can remove the files from the output of JarCreator. Then you also should delete the JAD-file (the JAR-file alone will run). You just can remove class files with any ZIP tool ('7-zip', 'filzip', the 'jar'-tool, etc.), the resulting file should run. There is no need to modify other class files.

If you remove class files from the 'empty' application (i.e. the input to JarCreator), I then you need to keep the JAD file, I think you just can remove the class files from the empty JAR-file. But I never tried to do this.



Hi Gert,
It seems I didn't explained clearly my question regarding "character\n\nTo control" , I would like to know, which words must be translated 'To control' or 'control' ? :)
Regarding to the program, I think I will use 'filzip' I just downloaded it. I will wait for your answer regarding to the words for translation.


"to control", like "In order to control ..."

Do you have any further questions for the translations ? Well, please just ask (but, besides, starting with next week I will be 'out of town' for two weeks).



Hi Gert,

Thank you very much for your support. At last I got the working dictionary with size of 346kb and have no other questions to you :) Regarding to the translation, now I know which words need to be translated. I think I will write an email to Quynh and put your email in CC. BTW in the future if you have questions regarding Russian or need some translation don't hesitate to contact me ;) Thanks a lot again and have a good rest! :) Bye bye. 


Great - and thank you for your support !!

Besides, maybe you have some time to do publicity for DictionaryForMIDs ? We really need people who work on publicity/advertisement !!

Best greetings,


Gert, what can I do for publicity/advertisement for DictionaryForMIDs ? I think If I found someone who is interested in mobile dictionaries I will give him the links to your dictionary page ;) Is that enough?


That's a good idea, but, well, if you have some more time (and interest) you could for example upload dictionaries to several web sites, or do some other things. Just have a look at the section "We need your support / Publicity" on our homepage.




Super - the whole project will rely on you  ;D
