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samsung gt-s5600h - Cannot install Dictionary for MIDs English-Chinese

Started by taiwantom, 02. June 2010, 09:00:53

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hello, i need some help. i tried to instyall the chinese dict, DictionaryForMIDs_3.4.0_ChiEng_CEDICT.zip, many times, always i got the error on my cell phone "java error; invalid format".
than i reed some suggestions on this forum and was testing the download DictionaryForMIDs_3.3_EngTagSpa_CAL.zip and here the dict. is okay.

can you let me know, i am doing something wrong or my mobile has a problem?

for installing i use samsung "new pc studio" .

maybe let me know where i can an older version ofthe cinese dict and i try once again.



Oh, again that "java error; invalid format"-problem on a Samsung model.

We finally need to narrow down the reason of that problem - hope you can help us there !

For the older CEDICT versions see here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dictionarymid/files/dictionary%20EngChi%20(CEDICT)

Maybe there is an issue with the jar file size on your Samsung ? Could you try to install the Webster's dictionary: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dictionarymid/DictionaryForMIDs_3.4.0_EnfDef_Webster.zip?download ?

And I have one question: could you try to install the jar file only (not the jad file) ?



hello gert,

thanks for your fast reply.

i tried to install both the websterdic and the older version of the chinese dic. 3.1.2, both jar files and i got the same error - invalid format

by the way i was reading in some similar problems for the samsung 5206 from a t_rain and he found a solution i tried this but at the end i got an other problem

see the describtion:

« Reply #39 on: 30. December 2009, 01:38:23 »


I finally go the dictionary working on my samsung S5230.

In short the steps are:Re: Cannot install Dictionary for MIDs English-Chinese

1) get an mini SD memory card (i couldn't transfer the unpacked jar file with the samsung new pc studio to the internal phone memory, as there seems to be a strange number of files restriction. Further it seems that the S5230 cannot handle big jar files, that's why you have to unpack the jar file)
2) unpack the *.jar file of the dictionary on your computer
3) transfer the unpacked *.jar file to your mini SD memory card (don't use samsung's tool, use an SD adapter and your cardreader)
4) install the "empty version" of the dictionary
5) reboot the phone
6) run the empty dictionary and go to "Settings->Dictionary -> Browse" and point to the directory where you copied the unpacked *.jar file to
7) run the dictionary and have fun

Thanks to all the good people for all the work with the dictionary! it's a great piece of software...


thats my reply taiwantom


i have the same problem like t_rain, my cell phone is samsung gt-s5600h.
now after reading hours in the forum i found the solution from t_rain.

i installed the empty dictionary. it works. but how and in which way to put the path for the dictionary?? i dont know what path i have to enter.

after that i installed the 3.4 dict and i got the same error as before: "invalid format"

hope somebody can help me.


Let me sure that there is a size problem with your phone.
Could you please try to install each of the following 3 files:
Note: these are only files for installation tests; none of these dictionaries will really work
If one of them can be installed on your Samsung, then it is sure that your Samsung has a size problem.

If there is a size problem, then you can use the 'loadable dictionaries'.
For using the 'loadable dictionaries', there are a few options. You can copy the file DictionaryForMIDs_ChiEng_CEDICT.jar somewhere on your cell phone. You will have to copy this file; do not try to install this file as application. Maybe someone can explain to you how this works with your 'new pc studio'

Note that 'loadable dictionaries' are in experimental stage.  I do not like to read bad reports about DictionaryForMIDs because the 'loadable dictionaries' do not run nicely on someone's mobile.



Oh, one more hint: if you use 'loadable dictionaries', please install that version http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dictionarymid/DictionaryForMIDs_3.5.0_empty.zip?download. Version 3.5.0 contains several improvements for 'loadable dictionaries' compared to 3.4.0.

But first please let us know the result of installing the size.jar files. It is important that we know if there is a size problem on Samsung mobiles.

Thank you for testing !



hello gert,

thanks for your advices.
i tried to install all of this three files.
file jar size 1 ,i got error: "invalid format"
file jar size 2, i got error: "installation failed"
file jar size 3, ame error: "installation failed"

how i can continue? shall i install this laodable empty dict 3.5??

i wait for your reply.




now i installed DictionaryForMIDs_3.5.0_empty without any problem and it is working.

my samsung cell phone is a taiwanese model (because i am living there) and i use english language.

i install all on the external memory card.

waiting for your reply and how to continue.



Ok, thank you very much for testing !

So the "invalid format" error seems to be a wrong error message; your Samsung should instead report "file size too large".

About the "installation failed", I do not know why that message shows up.

Anyway, because your Samsung cannot run the 3.4.0 CEDICT due to size limitations, you need to try the "loadable dictionaries". Good that you already installed 3.5.0 empty.

There is a description for using "loadable dictionaries" here: http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/faqLoadableDictionaries.html. Hmmmm, probably you should use Alternative 2.

Can you try to do the steps for Alternative 2 ?

You must find out how to copy the 'dictionary' folder with all its files from your PC to your Samsung device. I guess that your pc studio is able to do this.

Ok, just let us know about your progress and your problems !



hello gert,

thanks for your reply.

i tried as you suggested.

the empty dictionary i running.

now i must found in which way i have to write the right path. i tried many ways until now not successful. i will read once again the instruction more carefully. maybe i made some mistake.

at all,  many thanks for your great support.

is there a way to help your project with some money. i thought if we can found some people to donate some money you will be able to buy the necessary certificate.



Hallo Gert,

for Alternative 1 i have to write:

file:///External memory/Other files/Dictionary/DictionaryForMIDs_Chi_Eng_CEDICT.jar

and for Alternative 2:

file:///External memory/Other files   (the folder dictionary with the files is in Other files)

Is that correct ??

Can you take a look,please, maybe you see any mistake.

I have tried both Alternatives, but it doesnt work.

Makes me desperate. Sorry


Ah, don't get desperate - hey you are participating in the testing of a new DictionaryForMIDs feature - the "loadable dictionaries"   ;D

For Alternative 2, can you rename the folder "Dictionary" to "dictionary" (lower case d) ? Just to be sure that there is no problem with case sensitivity.

Apart from that the path looks ok for me. However I do not know about the file naming on Samsungs. Are you sure about the "External Memory/Other files" path ?

Hey, just use the file system browser to locate the file/folder: when you are in 'path' edit field then, you there is a menu item "browser". With that browser you can choose the directory/file.

And remember: never give up ...  8)



Hello Gert,

with your good support, how i can give up

Hey, just use the file system browser to locate the file/folder: when you are in 'path' edit field then, you there is a menu item "browser". With that browser you can choose the directory/file. - sorry, but this browser doesnt exist. when i open the empty dict and i get into settings to dictionary path and i tip on the line, there doesnt open any browser. my cellphone open a new window for typing (the path), thats all.


Quotewith your good support, how i can give up
Oh, I like to read that  ;)

QuoteHey, just use the file system browser to locate the file/folder: when you are in 'path' edit field then, you there is a menu item "browser". With that browser you can choose the directory/file. - sorry, but this browser doesnt exist. when i open the empty dict and i get into settings to dictionary path and i tip on the line, there doesnt open any browser. my cellphone open a new window for typing (the path), thats all.
The browser can be opened from the menu when you have focused the 'dictionary path field'. Well, it is a bit tricky, because different cell phone manufacturers have different Java implementations, so the way of opening the browser can be slightly different from one cell phone to another.

I attached two screenshots. The first one shows the menu when the focus is on the 'dictionary path field'. Note that now there is the menu item "Browser" (this item only shows up when the 'dictionary path field' is selected !). The second is a sample screenshot from the opened browser.

Somehow it should be possible also for your Samsung to open that browser ... we just need to find out how.



hello gert,

thanks for the pics.

but hey are looking very different to my cell phone. as i told on my cellphone dont pop any browser. i send you three pics.

also 3 pics from the samsung tool, so you can see how i create the folder for the dict. i see i can attach only 4 pics, so i sent this pics i the next reply.



3 pics from the samsung tool, so you can see how i create the folder for the dict

hope, this will help.