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DictionaryForMIDs 3.5.0 testversion available / testers wanted

Started by Gert, 30. May 2010, 19:59:19

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We have the testversion of 3.5.0 for Java ME, i.e. for devices other than Android.

For a list of new features see http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/history.html#DictionaryForMIDs_3.5.0.

Here is the 'empty' version (without dictionary):

We still will provide a test version with a dictionary.

If you detect any bug with that testversion, please make a posting in this thread (i.e. "Reply" to this posting).

If no bug is reported till June 11 2010 then this will be the new 'official' version for Java ME.

Thanks for testing !


To me it seems the flag is always placed a little strange or obscured by the text.
Ive attached 2 screenshots.

This is probably not a new bug - is has always looked that way to me.



other screenshot (flags are obscured by text)


Uh, that looks ugly   :-\

Hmmm, but I think the code there is unchanged since quite a while, so really this may be a bug but not a new one.

I will look at this occasionally. Can you provide me a link to the dictionary where you produced the screenshots ?



I updated the testversion (same link as above) to include your NormationClass for Esperanto.

When things work now, could you pls post a link to one of your dictionaries here in this thread, for others to test too ?



I had not been able to reproduce the problem about the flags in the start screen with the Sun emulator; I tested several screen sizes (one screenshot is attached); could not reproduce with the S40 emulator or an S60 device neither.

What dictionary did you use ?



Just try one of the "Try" links on http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/dict.html#Lernu , for example try German <> Esperanto.

Link: http://microemu.org/webstart/lernu.net/vortolistoj/paroj/de-eo/DictionaryForMIDs_DeuEpo_Lernu.jnlp
(when our experiments with SF FRS have finished this link should of course link to sourceforge FRS).

Anyway, this is a minor thing, I think.



Fantistic to be able to test the dictionary with MicroEmu !!

Concerning the startup screen, well, to me it seems that MicroEmu
- decided to ignore the Item.LAYOUT_CENTER attribute
- decided to put a line break between flag and text

Hmmm, I will occasionally try to play a little with the items' attributes, maybe I can get MicroEmu to display things the way it should.

I still wonder how you could produce the screenshot on the Sun emulator.



I am having trouble building the Esperanto-English dictionary using version 3.5.0.  When I use JARCreator 3.4.0 I get an error message about not finding NormationEpo.  I looked inside DictionaryForMIDs.jar for version 3.5.0 and I see NormationEpo.class in the folder.  I'm not sure why JARCReator wouldn't see the file.  I don't think we need a new version of JARCreator, do we?

Here is the error message:

Thrown de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.DictionaryClassNotLoadedException: C
lass could not be loaded: de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.translation.normation.Nor
mationEpo / Class could not be loaded: de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.translation.

de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.DictionaryClassNotLoadedException: Class co
uld not be loaded: de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.translation.normation.NormationE
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.dataaccess.DictionaryDataFile.getObjectF
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.dataaccess.DictionaryDataFile.initValues
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.UtilWin.readProperties(UtilWin.j
        at de.kugihan.jarCreator.JarCreator.buildApplicationUniqueIdentifier(Jar
        at de.kugihan.jarCreator.JarCreator.main(JarCreator.java:61)
Exception in thread "main" de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.DictionaryClassN
otLoadedException: Class could not be loaded: de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.trans
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.dataaccess.DictionaryDataFile.getObjectF
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.dataaccess.DictionaryDataFile.initValues
        at de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.UtilWin.readProperties(UtilWin.j
        at de.kugihan.jarCreator.JarCreator.buildApplicationUniqueIdentifier(Jar
        at de.kugihan.jarCreator.JarCreator.main(JarCreator.java:61)

Version 3.5.0 works fine with the English-Japanese dictionary.

Sorry, I tried to upload the source files I used to here.  But the limit size for attachments is 128kb.  So I just uploaded the DictionaryForMIDs.properties file.  Maybe try to build any dictionary file with that DictionaryForMIDs.properties file and see if you get the error.  If it's not possible to reproduce the error, I can e-mail the full source files.




I will look at this problem somewhen later today. For the moment I have no clue what the problem is.



Yes, this is definitely becaurse the normation class is not in 3.4. I created it 3 weeks ago, so it should be available from 3.5.0 and onward.

I was using JarCreator from SVN, therefore I didnt get that error.




thanks for that hint ! Honestly speaking I was sure that there is no problem with JarCreator, cause JarCreator does not need to call any NormationClass.

But you are right, recompiling JarCreator does solve the problem. It seems that 'accidentially' I called in JarCreator a method that via some other classes tries to load the NormarionClass that are declared the DictionaryForMIDs.properties file. This problem is included in JarCreator already for a few releases, but somehow it never showed up before.

Ok, I will get that fixed and the upload JarCreator 3.5.0 !



I just uploaded JarCreator 3.5.0: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dictionarymid/DictionaryForMIDs_JarCreator_3.5.0.zip?download. Now JarCreator also works with the Esperanto NormationClass.

But the problem about the dependency to the NormationClass is still there. For getting rid of that problem I will have to add one more parameter to DictionaryDataFile.initValues - which I want to co-ordinate with Achim first.

Jeff, thank you very much for pointing me at that problem !!

Jacob, thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction for solving that problem !!





due to problems that were reported by "taiwantom" here (http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=235.msg1255#msg1255; problem with Obfuscator on Alternative 1), I suggest to suspend the release of DictionaryForMIDs Java ME 3.5.0 until this is fully investigated.

JarCreator and DictionaryGeneration are not affected, so please continue to use version 3.5 of these tools.

Will keep you updated as soon as I found time to look at that Obfuscator problem.

Best regards,