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Intent/Tao Java on Windows Mobile 2005: investigate "Invalid Java-Archive" error

Started by Gert, 24. February 2007, 04:09:39

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Users of a Windows Mobile 2005 PDA with the Intent Java from Tao reported that the error "Invalid Java Archive" is shown during installation of DictionaryForMIDs.

The version of the Tao Java that is affected by this problem is "Runtime MIDP 2.0: v10.1.7.546(Build 20051117)".

Who can investigate in this problem, i.e.
- check with which versions of DictionaryForMIDs the error is shown
- possibly try to narrow down the problem (under which conditions does the error occur)
- submit a bug report to Tao

Besides, Tao has a useful forum, and there is already a posting on the "Invalid Java Archive", see http://forum.tao-group.com/viewtopic.php?t=122.

Thanks !



when starting the DictionaryForMIDs_deuita_DTS.jar (2007-01-27) from Midlet Manager
I get the message "Ungültiges Java-Archiv (JAR)".

The device is a T-Mobile Vario II running Windows Mobile 2005, the MidletManager uses Runtime JTWI 1.0: v10.1.7.671 (Build 20060502).

The same happens with DictionaryForMIDs_engdeu_DTS.jar (2006-12-29) and the german-turkish, german-french, german-spanish and starting with the JAD Files, too.

Gert, you ask for testing and reporting. What can I do?




yes, we urgently need your support to trace down that problem !

Is your Vario II running the Tao Intent software ?

Could you please just do a test with an older version of DictionaryForMIDs, for example the DictionaryForMIDs_2.4.0_EngSpa_freedict.zip ? Just to see if the problem also existed there.

Then, could you please test this version: http://www.kugihan.de/dict/download/test_versions/jsr75/DictionaryForMIDs.jar - just to see if it starts without the JAR error message.

If neither of the two work, then I will create a specific test version (which may take a while, because right now my PC is at repair).

I am sure we will find the reason of the problem - it may take a few turns to test however.

Thank you for testing !!


Hi Gert,

both of your testfiles doesn't work. So I will wait for your special version.
My Vario II runs
Intent Java Midlet Manager
Copyright 2003-2005 Tao Group Limited
Runtime JTWI 1,0: v10.1.7.671 (Build 20060502).

Windows Mobile v5.0 OS 5.1.195 (Build 14955.2.3.0)
Prozessor: SC32442-400MHz
Rom Version: from 20.06.2006



Hi Gert,

now I tested the dicts on a MDA Compact II, same problem.
I have an old MDA III an an MDA Compact for testing. But if I'll find one phone, which is running the dict, that doesn't solve the problem :(


Now I've tested the italian-german 3.03 on a
MDA Compact running Windows Mobile 2003 with
Intent Java Midlet Manager Runtime MIDP 2.0: v10.1.2.57

The error message is "Die Suite hat Berechtigungen angefordert, die nicht zulässig sind"
I try to translate "the suite has requested access rights, that are not allowed".




thanks for testing !

About the "the suite has requested access rights, that are not allowed" - that reads like the JAR/JAD-file was not correctly created with JarCreator (that dictionary will not run on most other devices neither) - I will check this lateron.

I assume that the MDA Compact II also runs the Tao Intent Java VM ?

Ok, when my PC is back to operation, then I will create a test version. Would be great if you could continue testing with that version (and the following versions ...) !



Hi Gert,

yes, the Compact II ist running the TAO VM, too.
I have tested now with Compact, Compact II, Vario II, and MDA III.
Is there any mobile phone with wm5 running dict4mid successfully ;) ?
Maybe, i make a general mistake installing the software? I copy the stuff on the sd-card and launch it with the file manager.




I believe you are doing everything right and the problem is related to the Tao SW. I received reports from people who had DictionaryForMIDs run successfully on Windows Mobile (an older version with a non-Tao Java VM) and couldn't run DictionaryForMIDs any more after they switched to a Windows Mobile PDA where the Tao SW was installed.

I should be able to provide a test version today or tomorrow (hopefully).



Hi Gert,

the first version works fine!
But there is no dictionary, I think, because of it's a test version?
Many thanks, great work!
Can I do anything for you to provide some dictionaries with this new application?



It seems we already found the reason of the problem - not sure yet however.

To be sure, could you give a try to the following version:
If that one procudes the JAR-file error message again, then we have really found the problem.

Here is my guess: in the JAR-archive there is the file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. In this file there is the line
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0
If you change this line to
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
Then it works.

The correct value for DictionaryForMIDs is CLDC-1.0. CLDC-1.1 is used by DictionaryForMIDs if the device supports it; on devices that only support CLDC-1.0 no features of CLDC-1.1 are used.

If this proves to be the problem, then a simple script that would update the manifest.mf file with CLDC-1.1 would allow to run all dictionaries on the TAO Java VM.


P.S.: the application that you downloaded and installed is an 'empty' application without dictionaries. The dictionaries can be loaded from the file system, but this feature is currently not really useable (see FAQ, loadable dictionaries).


Sorry Gert, but there must be another difference in the archive.
Changing the CLDC Value to 1.1 in the italian-german Dict for example doesn't solve the problem.
Your Testfile (with CLDC-1.0) works, too.



Ok, I see, things are not so easy as I thought !

So ... what else may be wrong ??

I just had a look at the English-German DTS dictionary in the file manifest.mf: it seems this dictionary was not correcly built with JarCreator (on the other hand I can't see an error that would cause the 'invalid jarfile').

Can you try any dictionary other than the DTS ones ? For example the Testversion for 3.1.0 (Chinese dictionary) ?

Also, can you try:



Hi Gert,

it's so easy getting the dicts running:
I simply copied the directory "dictionary" from one of the 3.0.3 jars into that testfile an changed the name of the Midlet in the .mf file.
It works only with one language. The midlet manager accesses only one jar, the first or the last, I#ve installed, I don't know. Anyway, there is some textfile to edit somewhre, I think. 

The question is, what is different in testfile #1 to the other jars?
