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DfM webApp 3

Started by starssoft, 26. April 2014, 17:55:15

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Dear Users,

Our DfM webApp 3 has been released for you to test it... The Additional features are :
a. Our dynamic information bar will get recent news from our DfM Sourceforge Server, while switching on your internet connection,
b. You can able set maximum no. of results to be displayed,
c. At last applicationCacheStatus bug has been closed,
d. Some optimisation done for stable performances.

Bilingual - http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/testWebApp/dictionaries/dictionary%20EngLat%20(IDP)/

Multilingual - http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/testWebApp/dictionaries/dictionary%20Indian%20STDReg/

SVN Source - http://sourceforge.net/p/dictionarymid/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/WebApp/

Kindly post your valuable comments to upgrade it...



Here my quick feedback (written mobile):
1. the multilingual dict shows a "50" window after each typed letter.
2. The option pane did continuously open and close while downloading the dict.
3. The bilingual dict kept showing downloading even after a while. When restarted it showed idle, so I guess the downloading did not get correctly updated.
4. In the cache manifest, in my opinion the network * should get removed. There should not be a network access after download is complete. ah, wait, you need that for your rss access !? Ok, then now i understand. Is ok then. Well, can that rss access be sitched off ? I would not like to get a bill from my telecom provider, when I use the webapp abroad. Hmmm, well, I probably could do that best by switching off my network access. I have to think more about that.
Anyway, could the * be replaced with the dictionarymid.sourceforge.net which serves the feed ? I would not like do have downloads from non-dfm sites. Where do you store your rss data ?



Dear Gert,

Thanks for your feedback.

1.  aah, we forgot to remove it in release.  It was implemented for testing Search Hits Input box.
2.  In our machine, the option pane is working perfectly.  anyway, we'll review the codes again. There might be some mistakes while moving scripts from html to js file.
3.  Again in our machine, its working fine.  So, we'll review the relevant codes.
4.  You are right... Especially, while roaming the data charges are very huge even for very small amount of data.  we can manually feeding xml and cache it with webapp to save data consumption.
We purposefully included * to indicate, the app will get connect to the internet.  Even without * the app will get connect to internet and show feeds.  Anyway, we are planning to make permanent solution.

The xml feeds are obtained from our sourceforge file server (https://sourceforge.net/p/dictionarymid/activity/feed) and it has been converted to json by using googles api.

We forgot to mention about result frame.  We tried to make use of all the spaces in result window (in all system resolution).  Kindly check it.

In addition to that, Just now we've added alert for flatrate (before caching the app).  Kindly, check it again.

Stars Soft


Wow, you are fast :)

I should be able to do some more testing during the next days ... it it motivating to do testing and getting updates so quickly ;)

About 2. and 3.: that happened with my Android device with Chrome; I will test again during the next days.

Say, what do you mean be 'permanent' solution ? My understanding is that you would need an internet connection to provide updated information, no ?

And, I just looked at your code quickly: in order to prepare for the content security, would it be possible that you push out the event handlers from html ? As described here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/content-security-policy/  in the section "inline code considered ...". This is really not high priority, just that in the end I think it would be a good idea to activate the content security policy with script-src 'self'.

With best greetings !


Dear Gert,

Thanks for your response.

About issue no.3,  we make necessary changes for stable performance (still its under review process).
Kindly retest and inform us, if issue no.2 persist.

We actually meant, permanent solution is "loading recent news from cache" / "Try to find out any other ways to feed recent news without using internet connection" / "Adding Switch on off button for feeds".  We need to think little more to implement better solution.  We 100% agree with you to make 100% offline app  ;).

Following content security policy is must to publish our app in some other webapp portals.  We'll do it in coming days...

Stars Soft


Dear Starssoft,

I just tested point 3 with both dictionaries: after the download is complete the status downloading/progress is still shown. I will try to send a screenshot. Only after refreshing the page from the browser (clicking on the reload-button of the browser) idle/noupdate is shown correctly.

I had not been able to reproduce point 2. I will keep trying to reproduce it.

Oh, you write "we've added alert for flatrate (before caching the app)". That indeed would be a great feature !! Should it already be there in your test versions ? I did not see any alert message.

With best greetings,


Dear Gert,

For point no.3, we need to add event listener and planning to do it along with "content security policy" implementation.

We are going to call you as "Great Nuber" instead "Gert Nuber".  The architecture designed by you for this app is so awesome.  We just adding and removing very few bytes to get whatever we need.  As usual added few bytes in "index.php" to get alert before downloading the app.  Kindly clear cache and checkout the following link http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/testWebApp/dictionaries/dictionary EngLat (IDP)

There is some problem in our machine.  If it get fixed by us, we'll optimise the alert based on cache status.

Stars Soft


Haha, that is really 'great' !

Is there already a further improved version that runs well ? When there is, just let me know and I will look at it.


With best greetings,


Dear Gert,

I'm planning to make final and better version of webApp with your help (let us discuss about it later).  It'll take little more time to implement content security policy and colorful themes.

Between, we may publish current version of webApp for Public.  To simplify this process i need your help.  Kindly provide a text file with list of subdirectories under "...../WebApp/dictionaries" and its folder size.  I guess this can done by a script file without pain.  This 'll helps me to publish the links for public.

Stars Soft

--Dear users, if you have any suggestion regarding webApp 4, Kindly make a post about it.


Here the quick output from some redirecteced commands ... I managed to execute these from Android via ssh ...

http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/tmp/listOfWebAppDictionaries.txt  ( ls )

http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/tmp/sizeOfWebAppDictionaries.txt (du -s * )

Any other lists that would help you ?



Great,  This is what i exactly need.  I'll try to post the links ASAP.

Stars Soft


Dear Users,

DictionaryforMIDs WebApps published successfully.  WebApp links are posted next to dictionary download links.  Kindly, try it and pass your comment to make DfM webApp 4 (Final Version).


Note : You can additionally get Download Status in Percentage.

Stars Soft


Fantastic - all download pages are updated to include the WebApp download !!

And also the app. now it shows percentage complete for the app cache - how did you do this ? I need to look this up in the source code !

One thing that I missed is a sort of warning for download volumes.

I am glad to see the WebApp making good progress :)

With best greetings,