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samsung gt-s5600h - Cannot install Dictionary for MIDs English-Chinese

Started by taiwantom, 02. June 2010, 09:00:53

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Your screenshots are excellent !!! If only others would help us with such a good information too ...

Ok, let me come back on that "browser": in your picture "2_settings_path.jpg", there is the "Menu" item towards the lower left area. What happens when you press that "Menu" ?



yes, gert, after this i touch the line on the menue to enter the path, a browser will not open, it open a empty screen to type, like on the screenshot number 3_window_to_enter_path. thats all.

have a nice weekend.


In your picture "1_dict_empty.jpg" there is also the "Menu" item towards the lower left area. What happens when you press that "Menu" in "1_dict_empty.jpg" ?

Regards - and have a nice weekend too,



this is the menue of the empty dict, where you can go to the settings.

i think my problem is now, the emty dict is running, but i dont know how to write the exact path. i tried already a lot of different ways but nothing works.


The browser will automatically set the correct path. We just need to open the browser.

So let me understand:
1. When you press "Menu" after DictionaryForMIDs starts up, then you get the full menu, including "Settings", "Info", "Exit", etc.
2. When you press "Menu" in the "dictionary path field", then no menu is displayed. Instead a text field opens, where you can enter the path.

Is 1. and 2. correct ?

If yes, then I have one more question:
3. When you open the "Settings" dialogue, is there also a Menu item that you can press (directly after opening the "Settings" dialogue) ? What happens if you press that Menu item in the Settings dialogue ? [The Settings dialogue is where you can enter the search settings; and also enter the dictionary path]

Too bad that Samsung does not provide a usable emulator for their phones, such as for example Nokia does. If they had an usable emulator, then it would be easy for me to do the testing.




gert you are great, you have the right idea, i  open one more time the setting menue ( pic no.2) i pressed many times once again the menue button and suddenly opens the browser.   ::)

i went through the folders and marked the jar file.

i switch off the phone and start once again the phone.

open the dict., now the file is found, but a new error.  ???

take a look to the pic.



You see, finally we will get there ;)

Please, do uninstall all DictionaryForMIDs applications from your Samsung; then reinstall only the 3.5.0 empty and try again.

Possibly the error comes up because of some language settings that were saved in a previous DictionaryForMIDs installation. Those settings will be deleted when you uninstall all DictionaryForMIDs applications.

Best regards,


hello gert,

my great guide. still working on sunday? how is weather in germany? 

i was doing as you suggested. i deintall all and reinstalled the empty one.

this is running.

whats the next step?


The weather is very nice today in Germany :) how is it in Taiwan ?

Just again use the browser to set the path to the dictionary (please also post the dictionary path here in the forum); then exit the DictionaryForMIDs application and start again. And let us know the result.



oh good to hear, weather is after this long cold front fine now. in taiwan, i live in the south we have 29 degrees, nearly hot and we missing some rain.

i make 3 pics for the path, so you can see.

i have done as you told me but the error continue  :'(


Quoteoh good to hear, weather is after this long cold front fine now. in taiwan, i live in the south we have 29 degrees, nearly hot and we missing some rain.

Oh, you know about the past weather in in Germany ?

Your pictures are great and very helpful !!

Hmmmm, now I need to check what might be wrong.

Well, there is one other test that you could do: could you try 'Alternative 2' (unpack the jar-file) as described here: http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/faqLoadableDictionaries.html

Best regards,


Wait ! I have been able to reproduce your problem. Now I need to see what is the cause - and then I will send you an updated version.



hello gert,

i am german, my parents and my brother are still living there. so i know a bit whats going on there.

i already tried alternative 2 before. produce the same error.

i wait for your new idea.



Quotei am german

And I was wondering about your effort to make things work ! Now I understand  ;)



Here is a new version that will solve your problems: http://www.kugihan.de/dict/download/test_versions/3.5.2/DictionaryForMIDs.jar

One bug is fixed in that version for "Alternative 2".

"Alternative 1" should work also, but _extremely_ slow for the huge CEDICT (too slow to be usable; you will have to use Alternative 2).

And here is my problem: "Alternative 1" works, because the code is not obfuscated; if I obfuscate the code, then there is this "java.lang.Error: Static initializer: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds" error. No clue what is damaged by the obfuscator here. Well, that is only my problem, don't get bothered with that technical problem.

Please keep me informed about your test results !
