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language1 (= column 1) does not have content declarations -> Language-1 number of content declarations = 0
language2 (= column 2) does have content declarations -> Language-2 number of content declarations = 2 or 3 (or other value)

Strings such as "<c>", "<blockquote>" and "&lt" need to be replaced in column 2.

What am I doing wrong?

Example from your last screenshot:

[ b][c blue]Abartung[/c][/b]

Convert for DfM to:

To make "Abartung" bold and blue (assuming it is the column for language2):

Here is the complete example from http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/DfM-Creator/newdictContent.html:

Content tags for the dictionaries

In the dictionaries the content parts are marked with the following syntax:

Each content has a start delimiter at the beginning and an end delimiter at the end.

Start delimiter:
where NN is the content number. This needs to be a two-digit number !

End delimiter:

To use a [ or ] character in the text (without content syntax) a \ (backslash) must be prepended:  \[ and \]
A newline-character is \n and a tab-character is \t

Here is an example for a language2 column:

dictionary [01dikshionari] [02noun] [03\nA book that contains translations for words.]
(Content numbers are boldfaced only for didactical purposes)
In that example the following properties are declared:


Contents can also be nested. Example:

dictionary [01dikshionari] [03\nA book that contains translations for words. [02noun]\nAlso exists in electronic form]
Sorry I dont get it. Look at my first screenshot. I mark bold with <b> </b> how should I tell the languageXContentNNDisplayText to mark it bold?

Yes I mean back to the input file.
1.  merriam webster
Say, what do you mean by "convert it back to txt"? Does this mean how to convert it in a format that is readable by DfM-Creator ("Input CSV file").

2. Italics etc.
You can define italics etc. via the Contents. From http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/DfM-Creator/newdictContent.html:

Defines the font style for the content. Allowed values are provided in the ComboBoxes as follows:

Examples from the screen-shot:




This property is optional, the default value is plain.
I downloaded the merriam webster dictionary. Is there a possibilty to convert it back to txt?

And how do I mark italics and bold text and colors in the txt file?
The DfM format is documented in our web pages:
You could look at
http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/DfM-Creator/index.html, there "Complete Documentation"
And for tags: http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/DfM-Creator/newdictContent.html

Duden, I assume, would be copyrighted material and could not be made available for public download (the licensing conditions would tell more).

Thank you for your answer. Its a normal Duden German German dictionary.
In .dsl format it looks like  this:

Since I am creating .dsl dictionaries myself, it is not a problem to convert it to a different format manually (by regular expressions). How is the DFM format built? What tags are you using?
I just had a look at the screenshot.

I guess it is not easy to convert this dictionary for DictionaryForMIDs. What words/expression does it lookup? I mean, is it for looking up expressions such as "anders denkende". How is such an expression identified? Is it following a newline/carriage return?

Well, some preprocessing will certainly be required: the tags such as <blockquote> or <c> would need to be converted into something that is understood by DictionaryForMIDs (some "content" there).

In total I think, yes it will be possible to convert this dictionary for DictionaryForMIDs, but it will be some effort.

Besides, what 'dictionary' is it?

General discussions / Re: Problems to convert from d...
Last post by Gert - 17. July 2017, 15:16:00
Please, just give us some further information. For example, can you give us a few lines from the .dictd input file? Maybe also a few lines from the generated dictionary-outputfiles.
