QuoteWhen I choose a path file:///tflash/DfM_Test_EngRus_3.5.9/DfM_Test_EngRus_3.5.9.jar it works great (see screenshots).
QuoteI wonder why my phone doesn't want to read the dictionary folder directly (file:///tflash/dictionary), but only through the jar archive.
Quotein the file de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.hmi_java_me.lcdui_extension.stringcolouritem.java there are the following lines:
int keySelectForward = 51; //3 key- move selection back
int keySelectBack = 49; // 1 key - move selection forward
These keys do not work in the emulator.
Did I understand correctly that this function is not fully implemented?
Util.getUtil().logTime("position file", startTime);
Util.getUtil().logTime("read/parse file-line", startTime);