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Messages - radhuber

Hi everybody,

I will go to China the next days and so I was looking for some nice handy tool, that will allow some communication with the taxi driver at the airport and so on...

I found your application and was very happy to have a tool for german-chinese, german-english etc.

Unfortunately, I have a Sony Ericsson W850i and the only dictionary I found working a little bit is the version german-chinese 3.1.2. (3.2 does not work).
It only worked when I turned on the options:
-find exact match
-no color mode
-bit map mode

With this configuration I will get translation results.

In all other cases and languages a long list of blank items will be returned.

Will you adopt your software to SonyEricsson?
Will there be the possibility to import more dictionaries in one "translator"?
Will there be a solution for color and text size, working on SonyEricsson?

Best Regards,
Christian Radhuber

although quite limited in function and reliability on my Sony IT IS A VERY NICE TOOL ESPECIALLY FOR THAT COSTS  ::)