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Messages - SnooSnoo

Diploma in Information Communication Technology.
Basically I am taught a bunch of IT-related things at a non-specialized level.

I'm trying to make a dictionary program capable of using EDICT.
If it is too much trouble to make one from scratch then I'll probably request for a change from my lecturer.

Edit: I figure it'll take too long to make a dictionary program like DFM from scratch so I'll just do a simple GameCanvas game. Thanks for the replies anyway. m(_ _)m
Quote from: Gert on 15. August 2010, 20:18:06
QuoteI am doing a project for my module Mobile Application Development.
I decided to make a English-Japanese dictionary but have little idea how to go about it.

Well, basic lesson number 1: "Don't waste your time to re-develop what is already there !"

Thanks to Jeff, there is already a very good English-Japanese dictionary for DictionaryForMIDs.

If you like to do some work on the DictionaryForMIDs project, just read http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/needhelp.html

Actually, since I already submitted the idea I have to develop one. If I take DFM I'll fail since it is not my own work.
I am doing a project for my module Mobile Application Development.
I decided to make a English-Japanese dictionary but have little idea how to go about it.
I was hoping I could get some help here.
Some information about what I know:

Using Netbeans J2ME
I have been taught
Most of the things under Item Class
and a couple others.

I think I've only been taught the basics so I might be in over my head. Still I have to do my assignment =S

Edit: I may have posted in the wrong section, if so, my apologies.