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Messages - ian_asia

Sorry I forgot to look back here.

I do not need it quickly. Though are we talking weeks or months? Weeks would be good. Mid October? I'll just process carefully. If the first fails then the second will fail too in my limited experience. But trying to solve the second when the first has failed is pointless.

I mentioned elsewhere about other concerns.
I found buried in the documentation the info that answered my question.

The way the documentation is laid out it does not show sub-topics. You have to read the documentation and click on link words. I find it easy to overlook key info that way. A tree of the documentation in the main menu would help. Maybe it is somewhere else, I have not seen it.


When using the batch file that comes with DictionaryForMIDs I see the batch file has two "pause" commands coded in. When I run java programs in a batch files I have in some error catching code like this.

if  %errorlevel% neq 0 set errormessage=echo Big Problem with DictionaryGeneration, the errorlevel set to %errorlevel%
if  %errorlevel% neq 0 set errorpause=pause
set errorpause=

If no errors occur then the batch file does not pause. What most of us want I think.

However DictionaryGenerator does not set the %errorlevel% even when it fails. I don't write Java but I imagine that this is trivial. In contrast JarCreator does set the %errorlevel% on a failure.

Can this be fixed?
