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Messages - Daloun

In saying that, I'm still really frustrated. I really wanted to make this kind of dictionary :( If anyone is prepared to make a step by step guide for mere mortals like myself, I'd be very grateful. I don't particulary want to understand how it works, I'm just looking for a walkthrough to make it work. Does anyone know of a guide for using command prompt? I really need each step explained out to the letter.
Hi, thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. It has turned out more complicated than I thought it was going to be, so I think you're right and that I should just build two seperate dictionaries. Or, if I'm feeling inspired, I'll play around with command prompt for a few days and see what happens  ;D
Hi to everyone, I'm new to all this, but very interested in making dictionaries despite the fact I have little computer experience.

I have a few questions about setting up a multiple source dictionary as described here http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/newdictMultiple.html

I've managed to get the ABC>XYZ>ABC dictionary working, but what I really want is the ABC>XYZ XYZ>DEF one. So far, I'm struggling badly trying to follow the instructions.

1. How do I generate the second input dictionary file? I already have one named 'Dictionary_input' with my language1>language2 word list, but how do I get the other? Do I just create a new text file and save it in the 'Dict' folder alongside the other one, then write my second word list there? What would I name that file if the first one is already called 'Dictionary_input'?

2. I'm having great trouble understanding Step 2. Which properties file is the 'ouputted' one? At that point I end up with 3 properties files. One in the 'DictionaryEngGer' folder following the example, one in the 'Dictionary' folder and one in the 'Dict' folder.

3. Which is the 'final' DictionaryForMIDs.properties file?

4. In the very last instruction before Step 3 where it says 'copy one line into the DictionaryForMIDs.properties file'. Which lines are copied from where to where exactly? I can't make sense of it for some reason or another.

5. What does running the JarCreator tool entail? Does it just mean clicking on the setup file in the 'Dict' folder? I know it's in the tools folder, but clicking on it doesn't seem to do anything.

I apologise for all the lengthy questions, but I've been trying for 2 days to make this work and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can make the simpler dictionary, but this one is too hard! As you can tell I know nothing about programming, I'm just a language enthusiast. In case you're interested I'm trying to write an English/Scots Scots/English dictionary. Scots is a Germanic language related to, but different than English, not to be confused with Scots Gaelic.

Thanks in advance, all help is appreciated.
