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Messages - zakath

Problems / Re: little French corrections
12. August 2008, 13:53:00
I sent you the patch by email. It's really simple but if you need anything, just ask.

I'm loving my new G900 phone except it has no japanese support. Now I need to setup a proper French / Japanese bitmap font.

Problems / little French corrections
01. August 2008, 14:57:04
I am setting up a French Japanese dictionary and I noticed little problems that are easy to correct :
- hmi translation error "mot suivante" should be "mot suivant"
- the french normation should transform "œ" to "oe" (can be done in NormationLat, not sure if this is the best place to do it)

using DictionaryGenerator 3.1.0 and cvs sources

By the way, the new "G" series from Sony Ericsson doesn't need the workaround. The platform string is similar "SonyEricssonG".

Kudos to your application, it's really great to be able to make and install a dictionary on any platform!