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Messages - TopDict

Problems / Re: Compiling
27. October 2020, 19:03:33
Thank you for your responsiveness and time spent!
Tomorrow I'll go outside and throw my device in the trash!
I wonder why my phone doesn't want to read the dictionary folder directly (file:///tflash/dictionary), but only through the jar archive.
When I choose a path file:///tflash/DfM_Test_EngRus_3.5.9/DfM_Test_EngRus_3.5.9.jar it works great (see screenshots).
I have one last question, if you'll excuse me:
in the file there are the following lines:
int keySelectForward = 51; //3 key- move selection back
int keySelectBack = 49; // 1 key - move selection forward
These keys do not work in the emulator.
Did I understand correctly that this function is not fully implemented?
Problems / Re: Compiling
27. October 2020, 06:33:06
 I tried the Muller English-Russian dictionary. Unfortunately, the OutOfMemoryError also appears.
Problems / Re: Compiling
25. October 2020, 15:49:32
I am not a programmer  :'(.
Problems / Re: Compiling
25. October 2020, 07:26:13
1. I tried loading from a memory card small dictionary DictionaryForMIDs_3.5.7_Elements. Indeed, it works without errors. See screenshots.
2. Then I created two small dictionaries containing Russian characters (English-Russian and Russian-Russian). Here they are:
actinium   актиний
americium   америций
arsenic   мышьяк
hafnium   гафний
helium   гелий
sodium   натрий
titanium   титан

#DictionaryForMIDs property file
#Sun Oct 25 08:05:19 MSK 2020

актиний   Радиоактивный элемент группы актинидов, представляющий собой продукт разложения урана.
америций   Радиоактивный металл из группы трансурановых актиноидов.
мышьяк   Ядовитый металл группы металлоидов.
гафний   Тяжёлый тугоплавкий серебристо-белый ковкий металл.
гелий   Инертный газ.
натрий   Легкоплавкий щелочной металл.
титан   Твердый, ковкий металл.

And again there was an error. See screenshots.
3. In Emulator on PC all dictionaries (both large and small) work without errors.
Problems / Re: Compiling
24. October 2020, 15:16:32
I have tried to translate about 30 different words, unfortunately the result is the same (OutOfMemoryError).
Problems / Re: Compiling
24. October 2020, 08:16:46
The size of file directory364.csv is 6 432 bytes.
Problems / Re: Compiling
23. October 2020, 18:58:35
Sorry for the long absence!
My phone is Samsung E740. When reading a dictionary from a memory card the OutOfMemory error occures.  Attach screenshots.
Another question: my keys 1 (move selection forward) and 3 (move selection back) don't work. Should they work?
Problems / Re: Compiling
10. October 2020, 06:30:36
I changed one line of code and the problem is solved. Sorry to bother you!
Problems / Re: Compiling
06. October 2020, 19:43:56
I took a part of one of the dictionaries from your site for testing, generated a dictionary with 20000 words (MyDict/dictionary/) and then created a jar/jad file.
Then I installed on my phone DictionaryForMIDs_empty.jad and chose in Dictionary path: file:///tflash/MyDict. There was an error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError/null".
But then I chose in Dictionary path: file:///tflash//MyDict/DfM_Test_EngDef_3.5.9/DfM_Test_EngDef_3.5.9.jar and this error disappeared. Wonders never cease!
There is one problem left: when I enter "a" (incremental search and * character at end) I only get words starting with "a" (for example, apple) but not starting with "A" (Apollo).
Is the case-insensitive translate provided in version 3.5.9?
Problems / Re: Compiling
01. October 2020, 23:55:01
All succeeded! I've already tested it. I'm delighted, thanks a lot!
I created my own dictionary for 20000 words. It works well in the jar archive, but when opened in the empty program from SDcard an error appears ""java.lang.OutOfMemoryError/null".
In jad file I wrote loglevel: 3 and the result is:
searchfile open:
indexfile open:
Instead of a phrase "read-parse file-line and dictionaryfile open" an error appears ""java.lang.OutOfMemoryError/null".
I reduced the dictionary to few words with short definitions, but the error remained. My cellphone is Samsung (2008).
What could be the problem?
Problems / Re: Compiling
29. September 2020, 07:48:49
I will try to compile the jar file with build.xml. I will inform you about the results. Thanks!
Problems / Re: Compiling
29. September 2020, 00:09:59
Thank you!
I have compiled jar file, but it doesn`t want to start. :'(
Problems / Compiling
27. September 2020, 22:56:11
I can`t compile the last version of DFM_empty (J2ME). There are not enough classes in the folder "dictionarymid-code-r787-trunk\JavaME" on Adding missing classes from folder "dictionarymid-code-r787-trunk\DictionaryForMIDs" I still can't compile them. Do you have a ready-made source assembly for DictionaryForMIDs_3.5.8_empty?
Thank you in advance!