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Messages - parrotfly

Thanks Gert

could you please create the *.jad file for me to test the "quick&dirty" version for the one you post

without *.jad, I can not install on my Samsung SPH-M620

Thanks lot
Hi Gert:

I try to install the
entries: 22,617

It install successful and I can run it. But the program can not show the Japanese only blank.

for the
entries: 120,179

I failed and error message is "Disk space not sufficient"

but for the
I can copy both unzip file into my cell phone
folder successfully no error message, but after I restart the cell phone, it doesn't install it. Do you have other version with Bitmap chinese font support?


Thanks Gert

I can install and run the old one you give to me, but the problem is the old one requires cell phone/PDA with a Chinese character set. so I have no chance to see the chinese without Bitmap font.

I am not sure SPH-M620 the maximum supported Jar file size will cause trboule, but I have experiece when I try to install size more than 10M Jar file, it will give me error messge over the max size, but for the one I download from here, when I install, there is no such error message to show me Jar file is too big

Thanks again for your help
Thanks Gert:

I download

and unzip to file to DictionaryForMIDs_ZhEng.jar and DictionaryForMIDs_ZhEng.jad

then by using QPST-EFS Explorer to connect my Samsung SPH-M620  copy above two files to file fold "temp->install" see link is the way how I install it

I use the same way to install the test dictionary
it is working perfect

but for the English -Chinese. failed and no error message. please help me!

Hi Gert:

I am using Samsung SPH A620 and can not install English-Chinese, but I try the DictionaryForMIDs_3.3_EngTagSpa_CAL. It is working. So maybe my phone has the problems with the pre-3.2 description files?. Could you show me how can I fix it?

Many thanks