DictionaryForMids Forum

Admins & Developer => General discussions => Topic started by: Gert on 15. March 2008, 12:33:11

Title: Google Android: anyone who wants to implement HMI layer ?
Post by: Gert on 15. March 2008, 12:33:11
Is there anyone who wants to implement the HMI modules for Google Android ? Could be an interesting thing to do ?

I think it should be rather straightforward to do this. In the architectural layering (see http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/development.html (http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/development.html)) there just would be an additional hmi_android package.

Besides: before anyone starts to implement the HMI for Android, tell me first, because I should do some cleanup around the class DictionarySettings.
