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english-tagalog dictionary for nokia 6230

Started by dheybil, 10. September 2007, 15:32:49

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guys pls help me.. im taking my thesis this semester and my proposed system is a cellphone dictionary or a word translator that translates english word to tagalog word or vice versa...im planning also to upload here my software..my problem is the english tagalog dictionary that i have downloaded here does not work on my nokia 6230 and 6670... please can someone guide me how to build this application?source code is also need for the documents of my thesis..i dont have knowledge on j2me but im starting to do some self study...


Don't worry, we will help :)

Ok, just let me understand first the topic of your thesis. You write that you want to take an English-Tagalog dictionary on cell phones. Are you using an existing dictionary ?

In any case, there is no need to write another dictionary application software (please don't waste any effort there), you just can use DictionaryForMIDs for your English-Tagalog dictionary. Actually, for setting up your English-Tagalog dictionary, you don't need any source code. Just use DictionaryGenerator and JarCreator.

You can put any words, phrases or sentences in the dictionary. DictionaryForMIDs has a powerful search engine that allows you to search for all of this.

Of course if software development is part of your thesis, hey, just do some development job on the DictionaryForMIDs project !! See the "we need your support" section on our homepage. And here is a link to our developer section where you can read how to get the source code and build the DfM application: http://dictionarymid.sourceforge.net/development.html

DictionaryForMIDs does run on a 6230 (it was one of the first devices where DfM was tested), however the 6230 only supports a very limited JAR-size, so for the latest version 3 it could happen that even with a small dictionary you run into size problems. The 6670 is old, too, but should allow a bigger JAR size.

If you are completely stuck to your 6230, you could try the 'minimised' version 3 which is only about 128 kB, or even the old 2.7 version. The problem with the 6230 is that you will never get a dictionary with good size on it.

Ok, so far ...


thank you for the quick response i really appreciate it...sir my plan is to create english to tagalog and tagalog to english word translator..is it possible to include some example sentence on the result of the translated word? i havent use any existing dictionary yet, i plan to create one, i have an english-tagalog dictionary here. regarding to the creation of dictionary, the file extension should be .CSV? can i create CSV file on MS-EXCEL?
(sorry for my bad English)   :) thnx again


For setting up your English-Tagalog dictionary just read the section "Setting up a new dictionary". Please do read that thoroughly, this will save a lot of questions. You will also find an example in that section.

Theoretically you can use any extension that you like for the 'inputdictionaryfile', but I recommend .csv
Yes, you can use Excel to create those files.

About the "example sentence": well, you can translate any word/phrase/sentence to any other word/phrase/sentence. Also many-to-many tranlations are possible. Actually, to say it simplier, with DfM you can do all ;)

A simple example:
pusa[TAB]in English this means cat (the [TAB] is for a single Tab-character)

Just keep asking if you have questions ! (but please do read the instructions in "Setting up a new dictionary").



sorry im kinda slow, there are something that i dont get in setting up.

1. configuring the properties of the file for dictionaryformids.properties
where will i put the codes(is it in notepad)?
what is the file extension of dictionaryformids.properties(.txt or .properties),can i name it anything i want?

2. using the dictionarygeneration tool. im kinda confused on this part...=(
java -jar DictionaryGeneration.jar dictionaries\IDP\Por\PortugueseNoHeader.txt output\dictionary dictionaries\IDP\Por

inputdictionaryfile = is it here where i will put the complete directory/path of the file?
i mean for example c:\>englishtagalog.txt

outputdirectory = do i have to create a folder named "dictionary"? what code i will put here?
is it output\dictionary? or c:\dictionary

suppose i put all files in drive c: is this right?
java -jar DictionaryGeneration.jar c:\>englsihtagalog.txt c:\dictionary c:\>

3. sir what are the files that the dictionarygenerationtool  create after i finish the 2nd step in setting up my dictionary?

uhm that's all for now.. sir thank you so much for helping me..godbless and keep safe :)


Quote1. configuring the properties of the file for dictionaryformids.properties
where will i put the codes(is it in notepad)?
what is the file extension of dictionaryformids.properties(.txt or .properties),can i name it anything i want?
What codes ?
You can use notepad.
The file must be called DictionaryForMIDs.properties

Quote2. using the dictionarygeneration tool. im kinda confused on this part...=(
java -jar DictionaryGeneration.jar dictionaries\IDP\Por\PortugueseNoHeader.txt output\dictionary dictionaries\IDP\Por

inputdictionaryfile = is it here where i will put the complete directory/path of the file?
i mean for example c:\>englishtagalog.txt
Well, maybe
but not

Quoteoutputdirectory = do i have to create a folder named "dictionary"?
Yes, the "dictionary" folder must exist. I probably should add a clarification to the description on this topic.

Quotewhat code i will put here?
is it output\dictionary? or c:\dictionary
Both will work (assuming that the current directory is correct).

Quotesuppose i put all files in drive c: is this right?
java -jar DictionaryGeneration.jar c:\>englsihtagalog.txt c:\dictionary c:\>
java -jar DictionaryGeneration.jar c:\englishtagalog.txt c:\dictionary c:\

Quote3. sir what are the files that the dictionarygenerationtool  create after i finish the 2nd step in setting up my dictionary?
That is described on the hompage under "Files generated by the DictionaryGeneration tool". Please do read the description thoroughly.



i tried the sample code in the web a while ago and it works...thank you sir for the patience =) now i can try my dictionary... =)


Ok, great !

Maybe in the end you have an open English-Tagalog dictionary that we can publish for everyone ?



=) is there a property that make the searching not case sensitive?i mean for example i search for the word dog or Dog it will still search for its equivalent word.


Case sensitivity is handled by the Normation class. All Normation classes (that I am aware of) ignore sensitivity. There is NormationFil for the Filipino languages, that one should ignore case also. I.e. both dog and Dog will work.

Is there a first version of your dictionary that can be released to the public ?




Is there anything that you can tell about the dictionary already by now ? I mean some data such as 'how many words' etc. ?



im still on the database part.. i mean im still encoding the dictionary..sir i have a huge problem regarding to the portability of the translator...id tried to install the eng-por translator on nokia 6630 after i install the translator..i run the program.. the flash screen appears and after that suddenly the program always close automatically... i already tried the software on my sister's phone which sonyerricson z520a and  it works but unfortunately  it was stolen..my problem is my pre defense is already on 2nd week of nov. and i need to demonstrate it although i havent finish the whole program..sir i need your  help =( is there anyway i can make it work on nokia 6600? thnx


80% on english to tagalog
0% on tagalog to english