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Messages - Rhasielle


I've been trying to install your software on my L7 and the dictionaries I have downloaded from your site (freedicts, japanese edict etc...) are generating errors such as:

Thrown javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: Can't get FileName / Can't get FileName
Thrown de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.e:javaxmicroedition.rms.RecordStoreException: Can't get FileName / javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: Can't get FileName

And when I tried to use the empty version to load dictionaries from the memory card, it gave this error:

Thrown de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.e: Property file could not be opened: DictionaryForMIDs.Properties/ Property file could not be opened:
Thrown de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.general.e: Property file could not be opened: DictionaryForMIDs.Properties/ Property file could not be opened:

I am mostly interested in a working english japanese dictionary and if possible with kana input..
I also tried DTS one for the japanese. But it gives the same error as the first one.

At first I thougt maybe it's because of the jar file size limit and installed the IDP ones. They work, alright. But I have installed another dictionary which is 3.1 mb into my memory card and it's working fine.

By the way, I install these dictionaries using motomidman with full access.

Can someone help me?