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Attachments - Gert

Filename Downloads Message Posted
NormationUkr.class 717 Re: Submit new dictionaries? 06. February 2010, 06:35:53
NormationUkr.class 766 Re: Submit new dictionaries? 06. February 2010, 06:35:53
OptionWindow.png 1,370 First usable version of web app released 27. July 2011, 01:31:57
README.txt 309 Re: de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.translation.normation 01. May 2007, 18:57:28
S40_1.png 1,216 Re: Install dictionaries over the internet (OTA) 30. May 2010, 22:53:57
S40_2.png 1,194 Re: Install dictionaries over the internet (OTA) 30. May 2010, 22:53:57
S40_3.png 1,191 Re: Install dictionaries over the internet (OTA) 31. May 2010, 10:28:42
S40_Screenshot.png 448 Coloured display: black background for translations texts ? 27. January 2008, 10:20:53
S40_updated.png 454 Re: Coloured display: black background for translations texts ? 27. January 2008, 16:04:10
screenshot.png 1,214 Request to iPhone users: run test script for "Web Storage" usage 31. October 2010, 18:16:21
Search_gut.png 1,119 Re: How to search for entries? 08. January 2010, 20:28:30
Select_gut.png 1,111 Re: How to search for entries? 08. January 2010, 20:28:30
SettingLanguage.png 1,752 Re: Selection of UI language 08. February 2010, 05:57:21
Settings - coloured display.png 1,752 Is there any device with "coloured display" problems ? Please report. 17. November 2013, 03:33:12
Translate_gut.png 1,099 Re: How to search for entries? 08. January 2010, 20:28:30