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Attachments - Gert

Filename Downloads Message Posted
3.4.png 1,018 Re: Compilation problems in trunk 13. July 2009, 21:16:12
8130-jde screenshot.jpg 453 Re: Coloured display: black background for translations texts ? 27. January 2008, 16:04:10
BrowserSample.png 1,270 Re: samsung gt-s5600h - Cannot install Dictionary for MIDs English-Chinese 03. June 2010, 21:15:34
buildall.xml.txt 468 Re: Making dictionaries available with the current version 09. March 2007, 09:02:34
build_one.xml.txt 498 Re: Making dictionaries available with the current version 09. March 2007, 09:02:34
CEDICTTranslation.png 1,181 First usable version of web app released 27. July 2011, 01:31:57
Coloured display - sample translation from EDICT.png 1,390 Is there any device with "coloured display" problems ? Please report. 17. November 2013, 03:33:12
DfM Builder first shot.png 1,277 Java SE Development: User Interface for DictionaryGeneration/JarCreator tools 01. May 2010, 19:54:12
DictionaryForMIDsOnAndroidWithJ2MERunner.png 1,055 DictionaryForMIDs running on Android 19. March 2009, 18:31:15
DictionaryForMIDsOnFirefox.png 1,035 DictionaryForMIDs Translation Layer ported to Javascript 13. November 2010, 22:28:09
DictionaryForMIDsWithJavascriptInterface.png 1,053 Re: DictionaryForMIDs Translation Layer ported to Javascript 03. December 2010, 20:38:24
DictionaryForMIDs_languages.txt 346 Re: Is it possible to decrease the dictionary size? 02. August 2007, 05:44:16 303 JSR75 support: source code for "Directory Chooser" 30. April 2007, 19:43:50
EclipseProjects.png 952 Re: Building from Eclipse/Netbeans 05. October 2010, 20:29:29
EngJpn_EDICT.png 1,242 All dictionaries available for Web App 01. August 2011, 23:05:23