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english-tagalog dictionary for nokia 6230

Started by dheybil, 10. September 2007, 15:32:49

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sir do we have a pc emulator which look like a mobile phone?by the way i tried the  Tagalog-Cebuano-German-English dictionary and it works fine on nokia 6600 but why is it the sample eng-por translator didnt?=( im dead


Don't worry, there are several ways around your problem. You can use one of the PC emulators. For example you can use the emulator that is described on http://www.kugihan.de/dict "PC emulator versions".

I'd guess that DictionaryForMIDs runs also on an old 6630, just use the current version, 3.1.2.

So the most important part for you is to set up the dictionary. There you need to make progress !



i tried the said emulator(midp2exe)..this one (Tagalog-Cebuano-German-English) works fine but the  dictionaries i had downloaded in the  dicts info area doesnt work. files attached is the dictionary that i tried on the emulator and the error that occurs when i run it.. sir any idea what may cause the problem, why is it not working??dont worry sir im still working on my dictionary..maybe after i finish encoding all the words needed for my dictionary im gonna send to you my dfm properties so you could check it...thank you sir and god bless  :) 


sir =)

is there a way to view all the words that i encoded? when i type "a*"
max nr of hits reached appear on the last line..(pls see the attached image)
is there a way to configure this so when i type a* all  words starting on letter a  will appear?


Right now the number of 'Maxhits' is hard coded (I believe it is set to 30). We did believe that the users would not like to scroll through, say, more than 100 results.

If still there would be a need to have more than 30 results, we could add a configuration to the Settings Dialogue where the user can set the number of maxhits. If there is a real demand for this, then we can add such a feature in one of the future versions, but we really first need to understand why a user may want to have more than 30 results.



what does the Bypass charset decodingdo? is it for those phones that has a character letter like chinese characters?


Bypass charset encoding is for very slow, old devices. It only works on one-byte charsets, not Chinese.



After all the effort, do you now have a good dictionary that we can publish ?



sorry sir for the late response.. lately iv been troubling because i failed  :'( and need to redefense. anyway email me sir then il attach their the dictionary...happy new year


Hey, I am sure that things will end up fine for you !

If you have a finalized dictionary which is ready to be published on the internet, please just do send it to me. You find my email address on the Contact section of our homepage.

Thank you !