DictionaryForMids Forum

Dictionaries => General discussions => Topic started by: Gert on 29. December 2007, 08:20:15

Title: Babylon translator: is the file format open ?
Post by: Gert on 29. December 2007, 08:20:15
Does anyone know about the file format from the Babylon translator ? Are they using an open file format (i.e. a file format that is documented) ? If yes, maybe a simple file converter could be written, in order to generate the .csv file for DictionaryForMIDs (at least for their free dictionaries).

Well, I would be little surprised if their file format was open documented, I'd guess that at least their commercial dictionaries would be somehow encrypted.

But I just read about the dictconv application (it is open source) which is said to convert the Babylon files.

Does anybody know about this topic ?
